Heidal Ysteri

PHOTO: Cathrine Dokken

Bakery and Café

Heidal Ysteri

Photo: Cathrine Dokken

Bakery and Café

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Heidal Ysteri


Ysterivegen 2 B, 2676 Heidal

+47 61 23 41 40

Heidal Ysteri uses traditional 1920s methods to produce its Heidalsprim (whey cheese) and Heidalsost (brown cheese) – both of which have a sweet and rich flavour. The good old-fashioned sour-cream porridge is also produced, and is made based on the traditional recipe used at the mountain dairy farms in the early 1900s.

Next to the cheese factory is a welcoming café with its own bakery, serving cheese from the factory and freshly made bakery products.

Heidal mountain village is located at the top of Gudbrandsdalen, by the gateway to Jotunheimen, and its inhabitants have been churning butter and made cheese since time immemorial. The valley got its first cheese factory using steam in 1920. This later became Østlandsmeieriet, and then the dairy we today know as Tine. Tine closed down its local production in 1995, and the “new” Heidal cheese factory opened in 1999.

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Heidal Ysteri