Beer tour

Food route

Beer tour

Stops: 2

Length: 79 km


Lillehammer Mikrobryggeri – Ruten: 79 km


Beer brewing traditions

As in other parts of the country, beer brewing in Gudbrandsdalen is an old tradition. Beer was popular as a thirst quencher, as an alcoholic beverage, and as a nutrient. Home-brewed malt beer was essential during festive periods as well as at wakes.

The distillery Lillehammer Brænderi was established in 1847, and in 1852 the operation was expanded to beer brewing. The brewery at Lillehammer closed down in 1983, but reopened as the microbrewery Lillehammer Mikrobryggeri in 2006. Today, the brewery produces beer for use at the premises.

Ruten mountain brewery in Espedalen opened in 2008, and produces a selection of beer served at Ruten Fjellstue.


Lillehammer Mikrobryggeri

Ruten Fjellstue